Nov 30, 2015

Viber Desktop for Windows & Mac Desk with Video Calling Feature

Nowadays, most smartphone users enjoyed the benefits of Web-based VoIP mobile apps immensely, such as WhatsApp, LINE, Viber, WeChat that offer 100% free calling and/or messaging services with no charge. With the ever-increasing demands of free VoIP communication services, the leading mobile messaging and VoIP provider which hits 200 million users milestone – Viber Media Inc has extended its free messaging and calling service to desktop with the launch of new Viber Desktop application,  enabling free video calling right from their computers, seems a lot like a rival for Skype.
Viber 3.0 Desktop Video Calling

In conjuction with the launch of Viber Desktop, Viber Media has rolled out its latest Viber version 3.0 that brings a variety of improvements to the mobile platform, as video messages is the most interesting feature of Viber 3.0.
One of the most noticeable limitation is you must get Viber installed on your mobile device first before you proceed to Viber Desktop app for your Windows PC or Mac, apparently this is due to Viber is based on your mobile phone no for easy identification.
Viber Desktop that available for both Windows and Mac computer is now available as a free download through Viber’s official site.
Watch the short intro video for Viber Desktop below:

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