Nov 30, 2015

Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) for Windows 7 Released for Free Download

Internet Explorer 11 (IE11), which expect final version of the browser will first debut in October with Windows 8.1, has been released Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) Release Preview as a free download for users of Windows 7 systems.
Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) for Windows 7 Released for Free Download

A developer preview version of IE11 for Windows 7 was actually been made available for Windows 7 users in July. In the earlier preview, IE11 have been improve some features such as improved JavaScript performance, open Web support for hardware-accelerated 3-D graphics and implementation of W3C Resource Priorities, which enable developers to designate which parts of a page should be loaded first.
According to Microsoft, IE11 release preview for Windows 7 improves performance across the board with faster page loading, faster interactivity and faster JavaScript performance, while % faster than IE10, 5% quicker than July’s Developer Preview, and over 30% speedier than the competition. In addition, Internet Explorer 11 enables high quality, power efficient HTML5 video and support for WebGL, an emerging Web technology that enables Web developers to create new kinds of advanced 2D and 3D experiences by programming the computer’s Graphics processing Unit (GPU).

Try it out for yourself with the Windows 8.1 Preview, and for Windows 7 users who want to upgrade to IE11 release preview immediately, the IE11 setup installer can be downloaded from
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