Nov 30, 2015

Save Facebook Posts To Read Later | Bookmark Facebook Posts

Save Facebook Post for later reading
So many times it happens that, some of your friends have shared some interesting news, event or something which you will not be in position to go through due to time constraint and you might need to bookmark them or save Facebook posts to read later, else you may forget or end up spending more time searching them on your friend’s wall.

Save Facebook Posts

How to Save Facebook posts to read later?

  1. Identify the posts which you would like to save in your news feeds or from your Friend’s wall
  2. Click on v arrow on top right corner of the post
  3. Click on “Save XYZ” (I will explain it with print screen)
Yes, it’s done. You have saved those posts for reading later. But you should remember that,you will be able to save only links, places, music, books, movies, TV shows and Events. You won’t be able to Save Photos and normal status posts. Let’s see how it works with some print screen.
Save Links for later reading
Save Facebook Post for later reading
Save Location for later reading
Save Facebook Location for later use

How to view Saved Facebook posts?

Once you follow procedure to Save posts, it will be stored in your “Saved Items” and ONLY YOU can view them.
  • Goto your Facebook Home (News Feeds Area)
How to see Saved posts on Facebook
  • Left column you will find “Saved” button (You will find this button only If you have Saved something)
  • Click on “Saved” button and you will get all Saved Posts
view Facebook Saved posts later
  • On top area you will find all categories, so you can select only category for which you would like to see Saved Posts.
Select Facebook Saved Posts to see

How to remove any Saved Facebook posts?

You of course needs to remove Saved Facebook posts once you read them or might share them with your friends. It’s pretty easy to remove Saved posts on Facebook.
  • Click on “Saved” Button from your Facebook Home News Feed area
  • On top right corner of every Saved posts you will find “X” button to archive them
  • In case you would like to permanently delete them, you can click on “Archive” and Delete them
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