Nov 25, 2015

iTunes 12.1 Direct Download Link With Notification Center Widget

Apple has released a new version of iTunes to version 12.1. iTunes 12.1 provides new Notification Center Widget for iOS mobile platform that lets users notice what’s currently playing, pause, skip to the next track, or buy songs, if you’re listening to iTunes radio.iTunes 12.1 Direct Download Link With Notification Center Widget

The new version of iTunes 12.1 released after Apple upgraded both iOS and OS X. iTunes 12.1 also bring lots of improvement such as improve stability and performance during syncing with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and addressing several security issues in the latter.
To install the new widget, click on the Notification Center icon (top right corner of the screen in OS X) scroll to the bottom, and click the Edit button. Click the Plus (+) button next to iTunes entry to add the widget. The widget will display currently playing track, album, and artist name with buttons for pausing, skipping, or even buying songs.
iTunes 12.1 also removes the old-fashioned info window that was available if you held down the Option key and then chose File > Get Info. Holding down the Option key with this latest version of iTunes has no effect on the look of the window.
iTunes 12.1 is available for upgrade automatically for both Windows and Mac OS X from Apply Software Update, and can also downloaded from iTunes homepage or the direct download links below.
Download 32-bit (x86) iTunes 12.1 for Windows: iTunesSetup.exe
Download 64-bit (x64) iTunes 12.1 for Windows: iTunes64Setup.exe

Download iTunes 12.1 for Mac OS X: iTunes12.1.dmg
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