Nov 30, 2015

How to Bookmark any site? Shortcut/Favourite for Mozilla, chrome, safari browser to remember any site

Well, though it’s very basic or easy but since I can see there are some beginners who doesn’t know and I am being requested to write something on how someone can bookmark any site.

Benefits of creating Bookmark

1) No need to remember your favourit site’s URL
2) No need to type them everytime you wish to visit those websites
3) You can export it and share it with your friends
4) Can be easily restored even if you format your computer or reinstall your browser
5) Can organize your favorite sites by creating folders and sub-folders

How Easily we can Bookmark any site

Create Bookmark for Website using Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Mozilla Firefox browser
  • Open your favorite website
  • Do as shown in below screen, which says Click on icon as shown in Step 1, Select appropriate folder (this is optional) and simply click “Done”. You always can change the Name as per your wish.
create bookmark for site using mozilla

Create Bookmark for Website using Google Chrome

  • Open Mozilla Google chrome web browser
  • Open your favorite website using it
  • Do as shown in below screen, which says Click on icon as shown in Step 1, Select appropriate folder (this is optional) and simply click “Done”. You always can change the Name as per your wish.
  • One more benefit you can get here is, if you create bookmark after Signing In with your google account, you can use them anywhere. Which means on any Computer or laptop you are working from, you can access your favorite sites directly using these bookmarks. Isn’t it amazing? :)
create bookmark for site using google chrome

How to open bookmarked website after creating bookmark?

Once you have your Bookmarks ready for your favorite sites, you can always open those bookmarked sites by visiting Bookmark menu under “Firefox menu” from top left corner or you can have “bookmark Toolbar” which will show all your favorite sites right on your browser. You may found options on Right Top corner, just before Home icon.
If you are using Chrome, you can find bookmarks menu under settings which can be opened from top right corner.
access bookmark from toolbar(1)
Short cut to open Bookmarks is Ctrl+Shift+B and this will work on both mozilla firefox and google chrome.
So, now it’s very easy to favorite your most visited websites. If you really felt this article is worth sharing with few of the beginners or new computer users, Please do so.
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