Nov 30, 2015

Best 6 Tips to Stop Receiving Spam, Junk or Unwanted Emails in your Gmail, Yahoo or outlook

Do you believe on average you may get minimum 100 spam or unwanted Emails everyday. Don’t you think it’s a big number?? Don’t you think your Inbox should not be flooded with such spams? Have you ever thought why you are receiving so many emails? Do you believe, it’s you who is responsible to receive so many unwanted emails everyday?
But nothing to worry, let’s start a new beginning. Let’s look at the root of such flood in your Inbox and with few easy tips you will get out of this soon.

6 Best Tips to Stop Receiving Spam

   1. Think before your Subscribe
don't subscribe to anything to avoid spam
Don’t let your ‘precious’ Email address spread across internet, don’t submit it everywhere you get prompt. Try to understand if it’s really worth to provide your Email address for any subscription, verification etc.
   2. Don’t let your Email ID public
facebook email address
In Facebook, twitter or other social sites, change security settings to keep your Email address private. Don’t enter your email address anywhere which make your id visible to everyone.
Also check: How to Hide Facebook Email Address ?
   3. Act smartly while entering Email Address Online
unscannable email address
Sometimes, in public forums and other places, it is necessary to provide your Email address. Don’t simply enter your Email address, but use few creative way to write it (xyz [at] yahoo [dot] com. This smartness will help your email address to be saved from robots (online script which steals public email ids over internet)
   4. Never respond to Spam
spam with link
If you think you are smarter and by clicking unsubscribe link you can stop receiving spam then you are wrong. They are already a step ahead and once you click on “Unsubscribe” link of any spam, spammer will be more confident that your email address is valid and working. Better always report and permanently delete spam.
   5. User temporary/alternate Email address
temporary email address
Since the world becoming virtual and we need to keep connected ourselves with many social and other websites in day to day routine and it’s necessary to provide email address at most of the places. I would suggest to use a temporary or alternate email address for such sites and keep your primary email address separate. Let junk mails attack your alternate email address which you might not be checking unless some urgent requirement or verification purpose.
Don’t Miss: Hidden Tricks if you are using Gmail
   6. Unsubscribe safely
Even though it’s a manual and very much tedious process but it’s always recommended if you know the website/company who is sending you Junk emails then it’s safe to open unsubscribe link  and can send a request to unsubscribe your email address from their mailing list. I know if it’s a genuine website, they will have automated procedure which will help you to unsubscribe safely and promptly.
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