Nov 30, 2015

Tricks To Set Expiration Date For Your Tweet On Twitter

Communicating with others by sharing your ideas and reviews on a specific topic, service or product is best possible by tweeting. In fact, it is because of Twitter emerging as the best social networking platform to share views quickly on Smartphones and tablets alike that an increasing number of users consider it as their ideal choice. Tweets that have already posted on your account will go into your timeline for your future references. Your followers too will be able to check whenever they want. This is a great alternative in order to have a perfect approach towards your future tweeting strategies.

How to Set Expiration Date for your Tweet

Tweets that are time-based too will go into your timeline though they are no longer useful once the time expires. Under normal instances, you cannot do anything about such features except to let them remain in your account. However, there is now a unique way of dealing with those specific tweets. Setting an expiration date will be helpful for you in obtaining the desired results. Imagine that you would like to convey your followers about an attractive shopping offer that will expire in 10 hours. You can do that by posting the tweet normally, but ending with a hashtag #10h. It indicates that the specific tweet will get deleted automatically after 10 hours and will never appear in your timeline.
tricks to set expiration date for tweet
Sharing coupon codes that work for only a few hours or days toocould be best considered with this option. Using a variety of alternatives depending upon the time available could be used with hashtag combination. Some of the ideal ways are #7m, #8h and #9d for minutes, hours and days respectively. Online marketers will be able to manage their timeline in a more meaningful manner with the consideration of this feature in an effective manner. Having an expiration date for each tweet will help you in organizing your account as well with more such time-based tweets posted regularly.
However, it is not possible to access such features without the consideration of a comprehensive app named “Spirit” for your account. After downloading this specific app as per your latest requirements, you can ensure that the tweets are deleted immediately depending upon the exact time you set based upon the above mentioned examples. For this to get activated, you need to go to your Account and then move to Settings. You will find your Spirit app already in active mode there. It works for you so flexibly that you can revoke the application whenever you want in case it has been activated.
Automatically removing dead tweets from your timeline is one of the great features that you enjoy right from your Twitter account. Perhaps, you can consider flexible use of the app by managing it from the Settings for sure. The option of revoking the app whenever you want your account and timeline appear normally too is more valuable. Enabling your viewers get exactly what they want based upon time is the ultimate motive of this feature. Get familiarized with the app after going through the features in detail first.
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