Nov 30, 2015

How to Make Picture of Any Web Article You Like, Capture Screenshot in Windows

We most of the time like articles on internet and lots of users still doesn’t know how to capture screenshot of such articles and share with other friends over internet using emails, Facebook, twitter, Google plus and other social media. Most of the users follow few common steps as below:
  • Print the document using “Print Icon”, Scan and forward to others
  • Print the web page as pdf, if user has pdf printer installed
  • Take screenshot using “Print Screen” button for web page you like to share
Above methods can solve the purpose but it’s lengthy process which requires scanner sometimes, or it will take screenshot of entire screen and few unwanted articles along with main article. Let’s look into few best ways you can follow to capture screenshot of web articles you like on any webpage that too without using any 3rd party software. Windows’ built in application can be used to make picture of required web article and share with friends.

Capture Screenshot of required web Article

I will be showing you step by step method to capture screenshot of required web article in windows computer PC and make picture to share with other friends. There are two methods which you may use, first method can be used if you have Microsoft windows 7 or higher version of operating system, while second method can be used ideally for all windows computers and mainly for Windows XP, 2000 or windows vista. Let’s look into both methods one by one.
Also Check: Download Free PDF Printer

1. Make picture of any web article using windows 7 or higher

   Step 1: Open web article
First step is, you need to open web page you would like to capture as a picture. You need to make sure you zoom this article up to max possible level so captured picture clarity will be maintained. In case, article is too I shall explain you how to handle them. But let’s consider your favorite article is being fit into single page as per below screenshot.
capture web article screen
   Step 2: Search and Open Snipping Tool
Click “Windows Key” using keyboard and in Search box enter “Snipping” word to find “Snipping Tool” application to take screenshot of your web article and make picture of that.
search snipping tool
   Step 3: Capture required screenshot of web Page
Once you click on “Snipping Tool” application on your windows 7 or higher OS, As soon as you open this application you can see entire webpage is grayed out (appears like it’s disabled) and only small snipping tool window is in focus. Now you may use your mouse to select only required portion of disabled window (web article).
To do so: Simply Click mouse at top left edge of starting point and drag the mouse till bottom right and release the mouse. As soon as you release the mouse, a new window with captured screen will be opened and you can save that as PNJ or JPG image. Before saving, you also can use red, blue colored pens to highlight any specific portion.
captured web article as picture
There you go, your captured article ready to be shared as an image. I hope it was quite easy method :)

2. Make picture of any web article using Windows XP, Vista

Well, if you are having earlier version of windows operating system, you won’t find Snipping tool as in-built application and hence you need to either download it from below link or follow steps I have mentioned to use “MS Paint” to help us.

If you don’t want to use above link to use 3rd party application, you can use MS paint to capture screenshot of required web article by following below steps.
  • Open required web article and zoom that to max possible level
  • Click “Print screen” button from your keyboard
  • Open MS Paint application from menu or by typing “MS Paint” in search box
  • Once Paint opens, click “Ctrl + V” to paste captured screen into paint
  • Press Escape key to deselect selected portion
  • Now, using mouse you can select required portion of web article and press “Ctrl+C” to copy that
  • Click “Ctrl + N ” to open new MS Paint screen
  • Click “No” while it ask you to save
  • Click “Ctrl + V” to paste selected article
  • Save your required captured article as JPG or PNJ and it’s done
   What If one screen cannot capture entire article?
Yes, there will be lots of situation when you can’t fit entire article in single capture and you either need to compromise on quality of screenshot (zoom out and capture) or give up to capture and share as picture. But there is an easy and best way as described below:
  • Zoom in article till best resolution even if it doesn’t fit in one page
  • Capture partial article using methods demonstrated above and create image
  • Now, scroll and get remaining part of article and capture and create second image
  • You can follow it till entire article is covered with multiple images
  • If you know even basic use of MS Paint, open first image and merge with second image
  • You also can get some image merge software available over internet
That’s it!! I hope this article was helpful to basic computer users and now they doesn’t need struggle to convert any web article as image and share amongst others.
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